SketchToAnimate presents

Workshops and Mentorships 2022

Summer Workshop and Mentorship Series with SketchToAnimate

SketchToAnimate is excited to announce our latest Workshop and Mentorship Series! We are launching three unique workshops, each followed by a month-long mentorship, to help build your experience and broaden your knowledge. We’re excited to wrap the series up with our portfolio workshop and review.

Character Design Workshop

May 14th at 10 am CST

Kickoff our first Workshop with Travis and Wink while they show you how to create fun, unique and interesting characters with a spark of life and story.

What you will learn:

  • The basic principles of shape language
  • How to design from life
  • How to push the story in your designs
  • How to draw characters from different angles and show expression

Character Design Mentorship

May 16th - June 10th

Following the workshop, Travis and the SketchToAnimate team will work alongside you to help create one original character, with an emphasis on story.

Are you ready to fill your sketch pads with engaging characters? This mentorship is for you.

What will you do:

So many exercises to show what you learned.

  • Tips on drawing from life
  • Design with a story in mind
  • Building your character
  • How to create the proper silhouette
  • Proper model sheets and turnarounds
  • And that’s only the beginning.


What will you end up with at the end of the mentorship?

One complete character design with a story and a series of model sheets expression turnarounds and color models.

Storyboarding Workshop

June 18th at 10 am CST

Are you lost in the pages of your story? This workshop is your map and key. Let Travis, a top tier professional storyboard artist, help you understand story structure and progression.

What you will learn:

  • A basic understanding of story and shot progression
  • Mapping out your boards according to a script
  • Thumbnailing a script
  • How to approach a script with a cinematic eye

Storyboarding Mentorship

June 20th - July 15th

Travis Blaise has more than 15 years as a story artist in features and TV. Learn from the master with this in-depth insight into stories.

Are you ready to take your story to the next level? Then you’re ready for this mentorship.

What will you do:

  • Focus on the essentials of storyboarding
  • Discuss the do’s and don’ts of boarding
  • Understand the rule of thirds and good composition
  • Design beat boards and finally rough boards


What will you end up with at the end of the mentorship?

Storyboards for one scripted sequence.

Animation Workshop

July 23rd at 10 am CST

Did you watch our “12 Principles of Animation” Twitch stream last holiday season? If you did or just missed it, you don’t want to skip past this workshop.

Join Travis, a former Disney animator from many of your favorite feature films, as he shares a basic understanding of the twelve principles of animation. 

What you will learn:

  • Twelve Principles of Animation
  • How to approach a walk or run cycle while considering story
  • How to navigate a scripted scene with dialogue
  • And so much more!

Animation Mentorship

July 25th - Aug 19th

You have your characters, you understand the story, and now it’s time to bring it all together with the final mentorship! 

Following the workshop, Travis will teach you how to approach animation based on scenes from a script and create an action sequence. Remember the famous Pixar ball? Well, you’re about to create your own! 

What you will learn: How to bring your scenes to life and keep it moving forward!

  • A warm-up bouncing ball exercise
  • How to approach story-first animation
  • Animate a walk cycle
  • How to thumbnail and block a dialogue scene

What will you end up with at the end of the mentorship?

One bouncing ball test, one walk cycle, one action shot and one dialogue scene.

Workshop and Mentorship Bundle ticket

What is included?

  • All 2022 Workshops (Character Design, Storyboarding, Animation and Portfolio)
  • All 2022 Mentorships (Character Design, Storyboarding, Animation)


The portfolio workshop tickets will be made available in June as a single event.

$1,250.00Ticket Detail

Frequently Asked Questions

For Workshops

Three workshops, each followed by a month-long workshop. At the end of this series, we will host a portfolio workshop and launch tickets for one-on-one portfolio reviews.

Starting from mid-May and ending in mid-August

Beginners and intermediate level.

One day for 6 hours from 10 am Central Time. (5 hours for Lecture and 1 Q&A)

A PDF collection of notes and images to follow the notes.

There is currently no limit on these classes

For mentorships

Beginners and intermediate level.

Basic fundamental drawing skills or college entry-level drawing skills

A PDF outline of exercises and tips along with visual examples.

Yes, a single one-hour session for the initial meet and greet

Yes, there will be one-hour group sessions and one mini session for final feedback

Play Video

About Travis Blaise

Travis Blaise is an educator in the animation industry. He has lectured at various film festivals, mentored MFA students for the production of film shorts, and taught college courses for story development.

Travis started his career at Disney. For 14 years he animated many of their blockbuster hits. Travis continued his career and expanded his resume across the industry. Travis has directed and animated for Cartoon Network, been a story artist for Disney and Rough Draft Studios, and character designer for Nickelodeon.

Learn more about Travis and SketchToAnimate